Petition: Facebook election interference

(I can’t believe that you’re still on Facebook. Really?)

Sign the petition to stop Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook from tipping the scale in favor of Donald Trump.

Dear MoveOn member,

Facebook is interfering with our elections by giving preferential treatment to right-wing propaganda.

Instagram, a Facebook-owned platform, displayed more negative content for hashtags related to Joe Biden, but hid negative content for hashtags related to Donald Trump.1 The top-performing posts on Facebook overwhelmingly tend to be right-wing pages.2 And Facebook fired an employee for collecting evidence that Facebook employees were intervening in favor of right-wing pages.3

Facebook has shown to be biased in favor of right-wing propaganda and Donald Trump’s campaign.

We are calling on the company and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to stop compromising upcoming elections as it promotes right-wing propaganda.

Sign Iram’s petition

Facebook even failed its own civil rights audit, which showed that the social media giant doesn’t understand the direct impact the platform will have on the U.S. presidential election in November.4 And as other social media platforms have stepped up to stop misinformation and block right-wing lies, with Twitter labeling tweets with fact-checks or as glorifying violence, Zuckerberg rejected employee calls for Facebook to take action against inflammatory posts.5,6

As we continue the fight for a better and more inclusive democracy, we can’t afford to sit back and watch Facebook undermine our democracy and tip the scale in favor of Trump.

Sign the petition to demand Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg stop the amplification of right-wing propaganda.


–Iram Ali, Kairos


1. “Instagram Displayed Negative Related Hashtags For Biden, But Hid Them For Trump,” Buzzfeed News, August 5, 2020

2. “How Facebook Became the Social Media Home of the Right,” Vanity Fair, June 5, 2020

3. “Facebook Fired An Employee Who Collected Evidence Of Right-Wing Pages Getting Preferential Treatment,” Buzzfeed News, August 6, 2020

4. “Facebook Just Failed Its First Ever Civil Rights Audit,” Vice, July 8, 2020

5. “Trump lashes out at social media companies after Twitter labels tweets with fact checks,” The Washington Post, May 27, 2020

6. “Zuckerberg rejects employee calls to act on Trump posts,” Politico, June 2, 2020

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