Soldiers in and out

Just a few scribbles on the chalkboard:

A belated happy birthday, and a happy release to Mustafa, Facilitator of Circle of the Stars, recently released from Mountainview Correctional Facility, and as of February 7th, twenty six years on the planet, and passed the quarter century mark.  And, he’s single now, ladies.  SALUTE!

Check out this viddy that I just found of Mustafa speaking about the dangers of spiggitti:

And, send out lots of good energy to our intern and Special Agent of the Ministry of Executive Direction, G.Raff, who has gone off to the cracker factory for a moment to get her scales calibrated.  LOVE AND ROCKETS, G!



And, I hope that y’all are warm and safe, or mental or medicated enough to be really enjoying this insane storm, heya?

Be well!


Deepest Drummer Dave