Green Party: on $40 Billion to the Ukraine and more!

Can you believe it? $40 billion worth of arms to pour gasoline on the already-raging inferno in Ukraine.

Every. Single. House. Democrat voted in favor, sending this bill to the Senate.

Meanwhile? Parents in this country are struggling to afford (or even find!) baby formula to feed their infants. Baby formula. COVID relief is “languishing,” according to Common Dreams. The cost of living is skyrocketing.

Enough is enough, Robert. We have two parties prioritizing war and Wall Street at the expense of everyone else and no one looking out for the people and our planet.

Here are some of the Green Party’s priorities:

  • We need an immediate cease-fire in Ukraine and an international commitment to diplomacy and negotiations. The killing must stop and all parties must end the cycle of escalation and violence.
  • We need an ecosocialist Green New Deal at home to invest in our communities’ healthcare, education and jobs while saving our planet from the climate crisis.
  • We need to finally democratize our elections through measures like proportional representation, ranked choice voting, fair ballot access and public campaign finance to end the tyranny of elites over women, LGBTQ+ people and BIPOC communities.

At home, they’re making war on the right to an abortion. Abroad, they’re inflaming wars that kill and displace families. It must stop. We have candidates on the campaign trail, but many are facing immense hurdles just to get on the ballot. 

People power can elect more Greens and win a Green Agenda while in office. People power can transform our system and end these travesties.

We are grateful for all of the ways you contribute to building this party — your party — every day.

In solidarity,
The Green Party of the United States

Libertarians on Abortion Rights (surprise!)

By Bekah Congdon on May 4, 2022 in Features

On May 2, 2022 a leaked report showed that the Supreme Court of the United States would be overturning the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that affirmed that there is a Constitutional right for someone to obtain an abortion. 

Abortion is likely the greatest wedge issue of our time. However, Americans as a whole are less divided over this question than hardcore left and right politicians would lead you to believe. Pew Research finds that 60% of Americans polled think that abortion should be legal in some or most cases with 26% saying it should be illegal in most case, and only 13% saying illegal in all cases. 

These numbers change substantially however when broken down by old-party affiliation. 80% of Democrats, according to Pew, support abortion being legal in most or all cases, while 63% of Republicans believe it should be illegal in most or all cases.

The abortion argument has been used to control duopoly voters for more than 40 years. If a Democrat starts to question their party’s fiscal policies or their failure to end the War on Drugs or make any meaningful reform to our criminal justice system, they can be pulled back in line by a reminder that the other side wants to take choice and bodily autonomy away from women. Should a Republican take issue with their party’s infatuation with a megalomaniac, or their rhetoric and policies on immigration, they will swiftly be reminded that a vote for the other team is a vote for “killing babies.” 

One thing is abundantly clear: if you are looking for a political party that has no space for nuance or compassion in the conversation on abortion, there are already two parties for you. Take your pick. 

As ever, Libertarians approach this topic differently than the status quo. As the ruling political tribes have sprinted toward their extremes and taught their members to see all others as their enemies, the Libertarian Party has remained consistent, and yet nuanced in the face of a difficult issue that deserves careful thought and debate — not the political football treatment it gets from Republicans and Democrats. 

The Libertarian Party platform reads thusly on abortion:

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Amongst Libertarians, thoughts on abortion are varied. Below are some of the many personal opinions expressed to us just recently by Libertarian Party members on this difficult topic.


I was raised with pro-life values that I carried with me through my journey leaving the Republican Party and finding the Libertarian Party. I’ve been a proud pro-life Libertarian for many years.

The longer that I have been involved in politics and fighting for liberty in our lifetime, the more examples I have seen of the government making a mess of everything it touches. They created an opioid crisis and severe infringement on liberty with their War on Drugs. The immigration/border issue is constantly made worse by government overreach, and the violence so often displayed by police officers causes me to pause before ever considering giving MORE power to the state.

I want to see abortion end. I don’t think abortion is the best we as the human race can do; for women or for potential lives in the womb. However I also know that creating more government and an even more authoritarian police state is not the best we can do and is likely to lead to some horrible outcomes. I will continue to fight to make abortion unnecessary, without involving government force.


My philosophy as a Libertarian is carried on several key fundamentals: the non-aggression principle, private property rights, self-ownership, and the belief that liberty is the best way to enable individual human flourishing. Reproductive rights fall into that in multiple aspects: nobody else has the right to decide if, when and how you become a parent. Nobody else has the right to impose upon your property or your body without your informed, ongoing and unambiguous consent. 

Abortion is just one aspect of reproductive rights: this applies to contraception, IVF, surrogacy, adoption, sterilization, birth methods and the termination of a pregnancy. Individuals should be making these choices for themselves, not looking to the government to impose the decisions of others. None of us has the right to decide for someone else making this profoundly personal choice. We can see what government prohibitions do on countless other topics — we can also look to other countries and see what these prohibitions do to civil liberties. We know better than to use the force of government here. 

I’m “pro-choice”, but I’m also “pro-quality-of-life”: to enable individual human flourishing, it’s essential that we determine our own destinies — including if, when, and how we bring life into being. Through that, we can enable a world in which every parent is willing, every child is wanted, and all of us are free.


Abortion is a terrible thing. It’s never a first choice. More often than not, abortion is a desperate act by a desperate person in a desperate situation. It affects all involved — the woman choosing to end the pregnancy, and the life living in her womb that ends before it ever really begins. Stigmatizing women in this situation only drives them to even more desperate acts, often including ending their pregnancy in shadowy clinics with sketchy practices. Nobody wins when abortions are forced underground, and statistics have shown time and again that countries where abortion is legal have lower rates of the procedure than those where it is banned. Rather than attempting to ban that which we find distasteful, we who call ourselves “pro-life” must always be “pro-everyone’s-life” and, instead of making desperate women into criminals, ensure that the option of abortion remains open. Ending abortion will not come simply by passing a law. It will only come by treating the women who are compelled to make the decision as human beings with full agency and deserving of the respect and dignity to which every human is entitled.


Abortion is an issue where Libertarians acknowledge good faith arguments on both sides. It is an issue that currently presents no easy answers, since the rights and bodily autonomy of both mother and unborn child in these circumstances seem irreconcilably in conflict. The eventual solution is less likely to come from political institutions than from advances in medical science. Advances in artificial wombs may hold the key in finally presenting a solution that recognizes a woman’s individual autonomy and property right over her own body – including the right not to continue with an unwanted pregnancy – while still preserving the life and rights of her unborn child. I believe that day is close. But when technological progress opens a door to that solution, we will only succeed in walking through it if we have managed to preserve in our approaches to each other, even on this contentious issue, compassion, decency, and a recognition and respect for our shared humanity.


When my mother had me, she was ~15, on her own, and impregnated by someone she doesn’t know. She’s had other abortions, so she wasn’t ethically opposed, and I had some pretty severe heart defects detected before birth that doctors thought would be fatal within a few months. I was a prime candidate for being aborted, so I’m pretty strongly personally pro-life. 

My main issue with the state banning it is that government cannot be trusted with the power necessary to police it. It could lead to huge violations of doctor-patient confidentiality and it’s not something that can be effectively stopped without massive amounts of overreach.  

Efforts to curtail abortion would be better used to make adoptions easier, to advance prenatal care, and to help advance sex ed and contraception programs to make abortion obsolete. 

Plus, while I think of abortion as killing an innocent life, I don’t think of women who’ve had abortion as murderers. I don’t think it would serve justice to police it as if it were.


As someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about and reading about ethical philosophy more broadly, and the issue of abortion more specifically, I’ve come to the conclusion that the issue is mostly a battle of intuitions. Nobody has a solid airtight argument for if/when a fetus becomes a person with an inalienable right to life that would supersede someone’s right to expel something from their own body.

For that reason, I default to pro-choice, since my default position on any matter is that the burden of proof is on the person arguing that the government should be involved, and I don’t believe the pro-life argument is strong enough to clear that burden of proof.

Additionally, I do think maintaining the proper operation of our Republic, including its intentional federal design, is important. Roe v Wade, while in accordance with my desires on a policy level, was clearly stretching the intent of the Constitution in order to legislate from the bench, and should be overturned for that reason.


I was always pro-life. I then found myself in an abusive relationship, pregnant, and for the first time in my life understanding the desperation that I previously didn’t think could ever be enough to justify ending a pregnancy. I was wrong.

Abortion was nothing I ever wanted to experience — and yet the moment I saw the positive test, I knew it couldn’t happen. I knew it wasn’t right. And I took care of it as soon as I possibly could. I discovered that I knew nothing about the realities of abortion before going through it myself. 

I still grieve the need for abortion. I long for the day when abortion is unnecessary and unthinkable because we have created a society that is so radically supportive of women who end up unexpectedly pregnant. That day might come. I know that it won’t happen though as long as this issue remains a political hot potato and as long as there are efforts to limit access to contraception, ban comprehensive sex education, or as long as there is an outright refusal to talk with compassion and nuance between those of us who disagree. Politicians who want our votes are never going to bring us to a common ground understanding here or help solve this question. I am not opposed to finding a compromise that can bring some peace between us — but I can no longer stand for removing access entirely from women who are in a situation that no one outside of it can understand.


If unhindered by power hungry governments and the dizzying political theater that constantly fills the airwaves, humans would be much more likely to be able to have real discussions and find solutions to our problems. The personal views expressed here show a variety of thought, earnest compassion, and a desire to care for individuals. This is the culture the Libertarian Party is building  one of free thought, intellectual honesty, and a recognition of the inherent rights and dignity we all share.

Free Sticker: Imagination, Liberation!

Dear MoveOn member,

You’ve never seen MoveOn offer a sticker like this one. Our petition team printed a limited number of these eye-catching “imagination.liberation” stickers, and we want to send you one as a thank you for being part of this community.

To request a sticker for free, just click here or on the image below.


Last year, millions of MoveOn members signed petitions started by thousands of individuals and progressive partner organizations to demand a comprehensive coronavirus response, speak up against racial injustice, fight for transparency and accountability in government, advocate for substantive climate discourse in the presidential primaries and general election, and so much more.

We’re all part of a strong, diverse movement thanks to the creativity and imagination each of you brings to the progressive community. Your ideas, passions, and unique ability to connect with your own friends, family, co-workers, classmates, and neighbors are the keys to building successful movements for liberation.

We’re offering this sticker to say thanks and remind you of the infinite and unique potential you have to inspire others and create change in the world every time you sit down at a computer, tablet, or smartphone!

Click here to request a sticker while supplies last, and feel free to share this email with anyone you think may be interested.

Thanks for all you do.

–Pulin, Isbah, Jenn, Corinne, and the rest of the team

Green Party: Help to elect peace candidates in the USA

Today, people in the U.S. and around the world are demanding an end to the brutal, U.S.-supported war on Yemen. Since 2015, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have waged war against Yemen, killing and injuring thousands of Yemeni civilians.After five years of war, roughly 14 million people are at risk of famine and over 24 million people rely on food assistance for survival. More than 2 million people have been infected with cholera, among other alarming epidemics. The Saudi-led coalition’s blockade has impeded the flow of food, fuel, and medicine, threatening the lives of millions.President Joe Biden has promised to end U.S. involvement in the conflict but the two corporate parties’ addiction to empire and profiteering means Greens and other allies of peace must leave him no alternative. 

 Please donate to the Green Party today so we can elect real peace candidates in every office from your state house to the White House.

The U.S. has provided logistical and intelligence support for the Saudi/UAE air war and has provided billions of dollars’ worth of arms to Saudi Arabia — despite its record of bombing civilian targets in Yemen, including hospitals and schools. By aiding Saudi Arabia and continuing its own direct military actions, the United States is complicit in the senseless killing of innocent people.

Email your representatives in Congress now and call on them to support legislative action that will direct the President to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led hostilities in Yemen and to ban arm sales to Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.

We encourage Greens to learn more about the current state of the crisis in Yemen from last week’s expert panel discussion, which was co-hosted by the Green Party’s Peace Action Committee:The corporate media will not allow a fair hearing for the argument of peace or a true account of our country’s instigation or outright waging of war. Please share this program to bring more people to the cause of demanding peace in Yemen. And give to the Green Party today so we can produce more and bigger programs like this on the issues that demand real solutions around the world.

With Gratitude,

The Green Party of the United States Monthly Sustainers make an automatic contribution to the Green Party every month. Their consistent support is the foundation for so much of the Green Party’s work in movements and elections. Will you join them, today?Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to To stop receiving emails, click here.

Liberarian Party: Soliciting Applications for the Platform Committee and Volunteers for Historical Preservation Committee

The Libertarian National Committee is soliciting applications for the Platform Committee and Volunteers for the Historical Preservation Committee. The Platform Committee reviews and proposes changes to the National Party Platform to be heard at the 2022 National Libertarian Convention.  This Committee usually requires at least one in-person meeting leading up to the convention and personally attending the national convention.  Knowledge of our historical platforms and Libertarian ideology are helpful qualifications to serve on this committee.Volunteers for the Historical Preservation Committee are not committee members but assist the committee in the archiving and preservation of Party records at the Party Wiki at  Volunteers are often first in line when a committee position opens up.In order to apply, please fill out the application here: deadline to submit applications is February 7, 2021.If you are applying for more than one committee, please submit separate applications for each position sought.   Thank you very much for your consideration..  If you have any questions at all, please contact me at or by phone at 561.523.2250. In Liberty,Caryn Ann Harlos, LNC Secretary
Privacy Policy|UnsubscribeLibertarian National Committee1444 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314

Libertarian Party: the Libertarian Elected Support System

Serving as an elected Libertarian is no longer a solo climb. We are thrilled to announce a brand new initiative of the Libertarian Party, the Libertarian Elected Support System (LESS). (LESS) = More
We know that the government that governs less governs best, and now those elected representatives who are committed to protecting individual liberties will have a network to connect them and prepare them for the work ahead. There are almost 300 Libertarians currently serving in elected positions. We heard and have responded to the request for education, training, resources and community. LESS aims to connect Libertarian legislators across the nation for these purposes. Resources provided will include networking, policy guidance and generation, legislation models and creation, as well as coordinated projects like the Municipal Modernization Effort, which will serve to remove existing, out of date, and unneeded ordinances and laws.LESS members will have access to the support, talent, experience and skills of others who have been in the same situations.
How can YOU help these elected officials?This is just the beginning of what we can do to support our elected Libertarians! With the proper funding, this can grow into a network that will increase the effectiveness of each and every day that these representatives spend in office, and will in turn lead to more Libertarian victories at the ballot box. Your gift today will go directly to the LESS initiative and will make a real difference for Liberty in legislation in 2021. Please give what you can, and thank you for supporting Libertarians in office!
Donate Today!
Privacy Policy|UnsubscribeLibertarian National Committee1444 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314

Libertarian Party: Down-ballot candidates you MUST know about!

All of the work — the fundraising, the phone banking, the block walking, the interviews and debates — all of it has brought us to this moment. The candidates have gone just about as far as they can, and it is time for us to get out and VOTE!

While Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen are both out on the campaign trail visiting several more states before Election Day, today we are featuring a number of down ballot candidates who, along with Jo and Spike, have worked tirelessly and many of whom are presenting a real challenge to their old party opponents. Read about candidates – some perhaps in your own state or district – who you can still support before the votes are
Ricky Harrington is the lone opponent of Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas. Last week after Cotton refused to meet Harrington for a scheduled debate, Ricky was given an hour of questions and an uninterrupted opportunity to speak directly to the voters of Arkansas.

Brad Barron is running to unseat Mitch McConnell, who has been in Washington, D.C. for over three decades. He has pledged to represent the commonwealth as a fighter for individual rights and restrained government by working to end the IRS, audit the Federal
Reserve, and bring the troops back to U.S. soi


Elliott Scheirman is running in one of America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts to replace Dan “Red Flag” Crenshaw. After narrowly escaping a last-minute lawsuit from the Texas GOP to unjustly remove him from the ballot, Elliott fought back with a stellar performance at a debate among the 2nd District candidates hosted by the Houston Chronicle.

 Cara Schulz ran for city council in the city of Burnsville, Minnesota in 2016 – and won! She is currently running for re-election. Cara has served with a commitment to accountability and transparency and real Liberty
for all.

Kevin Hale is asking U.S. House Texas District 5 voters to “Give Congress Hale” by sending him to Washington. He has been hitting the pavement with a mighty team of volunteers since August 2019, and they have block-walked and door-knocked more than 16,000 houses in this incredibly gerrymandered district. As of last week, Kevin also has THREE billboards up for drivers to see his name multiple times. 

For over a decade, Joshua Flynn has been an organizer, activist and mentor, creating opportunities and making an impactful difference in the lives of those in his community – and is now running for Illinois House of Representatives District 78. Earlier this month he earned

the endorsement of the Chicago Tribune!

Trisha is an Army veteran in a 6-way race for an open seat on City Council in Clarksville, Tennessee. She is pushing transparency, honesty, and accountability, hitting a nerve in a city where a high city debt is a hot topic.Up and down the ballot there are impressive and principled Libertarians giving voters a real choice and fighting to end two-party rule! Find out who is running in your local and state elections. Support them financially today, volunteer for the last two weeks to get the word out, and get out to the polls to #VoteGold!Donate today to support all down ballot candidates.DONATE!

Maine: Lisa Savage for Senate – We’re going all out with 20 days left!

With less than 3 weeks until Election Day, the Lisa Savage for Senate campaign has become a whirlwind of activity, and we wanted to update you with some exciting recent highlights!But first, a quick request: today is the FEC reporting deadline for 3rd quarter fundraising, and we’re getting close to $170,000 – an all-time record for a Maine Green campaign.Please donate now to help reach our grassroots fundraising goal so we can finish strong in the critical last 20 days of Lisa’s campaign!If you missed Lisa’s birthday on the weekend, there’s still time to make a belated birthday gift to her campaign!Everything we do is made possible by your support – and we are doing a lot! Some highlights:Lisa will join the third debate of the race hosted by Maine Public Broadcasting this Thursday – RSVP to watch with us on Facebook or’re also hosting a social media action training and #LisaForME Twitter Storm before the debate on Thursday – join us to help spread Lisa’s message on social media!We’ve had some amazing media coverage in the past couple of weeks (not to mention all the fantastic letters to the editor!). Lisa has been featured in the Portland Press Herald, the New Yorker, two interviews with Maine Public Broadcasting (here and here), and the popular progressive podcasts Amped Up and the Jimmy Dore Show. Lisa also earned an enthusiastic endorsement from Mainer calling her “the real deal”.Speaking of endorsements, they’ve continued to roll in: Maine DSA, Demand Universal Healthcare (DUH!), Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights, singer-songwriter Nellie McKay, former San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Matt Gonzalez, South Portland City Councilor April Caricchio (our new Assistant Communications Director), and former Maine Green Independent Party member of the Maine State House Ralph Chapman, are just some of our many recent endorsers.Our organizing team and volunteers have been working tirelessly to spread Lisa’s message and get out the vote, from talking with voters at farmer’s markets to rain-or-shine bannering on busy streets across the state. Meanwhile, volunteers both in Maine and from out-of-state are busy making calls, sending texts, and using digital tools to get out the vote.You can join our volunteer team no matter where you live!On top of all this frenzy of campaigning, we’ve released a new 30-second TV ad on Lisa’s support for a Green New Deal to fight the climate crisis and revive the economy by creating good green jobs.With thousands of Mainers already voting early, we’ve launched an ambitious get-out-the-vote plan that includes energetic campaigning around the state and ad campaigns in local media to promote our message on Medicare for All and a Green New Deal – two issues that have resonated strongly among voters we’ve talked with.Here’s the thing: to keep up the pace and finish as strong as we can, we need to raise over $6,000 a week between now and Election Day. We can do it, but we need your help.Please donate now to help get out the vote for Lisa Savage in the last 20 days of the campaign!As always, everything we do is thanks to support from people like you. Thanks for all you do to build this inspiring movement for people, planet, and peace!In gratitude,The Lisa for Maine Team PS. If you’d prefer to donate by mailing a check, we’d greatly appreciate that too! To donate by check, please make your check out to “Lisa for ME” and mail it to:

Lisa for ME
PO Box 1887
Gray, ME 04039

Please note: When donating by check, Federal Law requires that we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don’t have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed list “self-employed” then describe your occupation.Contributions are not tax-deductible. Thank you for your generous support!

Lisa for Maine

Petition: Demand the Senate wait until after Inauguration Day to confirm a new Supreme Court justice

Sign and send the petition: Demand the Senate wait until after Inauguration Day to confirm a new Supreme Court justice.


The hearing to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat is happening as I type this email to you. Make no mistake, this is a sham confirmation process being forced upon voters who have not gotten their say!

While Republican senators are attempting to rush through this confirmation before the election, their nominee has been far less than transparent. Barrett has been excluding pertinent information from her questionnaires and covering up potentially damaging information about her record. This has not slowed the Republican confirmation agenda one bit — McConnell and Graham will clearly stop at nothing to get their way.

We need YOU to halt this process! We must demand our senators block Barrett’s confirmation.

Sign and send the petition to your U.S. senators: No SCOTUS confirmation until Inauguration Day! Voters must have their say!

Our country is reeling with the coronavirus pandemic, rampant police violence and inhumane treatment of immigrants, and an economic recession. As we get closer to the November election, Trump continues to threaten DACA, reproductive rights, and vote-by-mail — and by extension, our democracy.

Following the hearings, the vote will move to the Senate floor. This is where we need all of our senators to listen to our collective voices: No SCOTUS confirmation until after Inauguration Day — the American people must have a say in who sits on our highest court.

Can you take a moment to remind your senator they work for you and not Trump/McConnell?

Sign and send the petition to your senators: Demand they wait until after Inauguration Day to confirm a Supreme Court justice.

Thanks for all you do,
Erin Tulley, Daily Kos